How to Save Time with ServeManager Payments

In November 2016, we released ServeManager Payments to help process servers improve their receivables and cash flow. Since then, over 170 customers have enabled ServeManager Payments and they are getting paid faster with less effort! Start using ServeManager Payments today to tie together invoices with actual payments deposited into your account.

If you want to get this setup now, read our guide and click here to enable Stripe under Accept Online Payments on your ServeManager settings. Otherwise, keep reading how our payment option has changed your colleagues’ businesses.

Why use ServeManager’s integration with Stripe?

Get Paid Upfront

Like many process servers, there are scenarios where you require an upfront payment and ServeManager payments makes that easy. Requiring payment up front helps with cash flow to pay your servers and finance your daily operations.

All you have to do is create your job in ServeManager, invoice the client, then complete the service once it's been paid.

Paid Job

Faster Payments

Stop waiting for payments and spending time following up on invoices. ServeManager Payments gets you paid faster with less effort! After setting up your account and completing your first transaction, funds are typically deposited into your Stripe account within 48 hours!

Now you can focus on serving papers, instead of following up on invoices.

Percentage of users receiving payment under 10 days

Our clients are experiencing the difference as well:

SM Payments has surely made it quicker for us to receive payments and easier for clients to pay…The cost of the fees versus the time we could spend chasing down payment for an invoice says it all. Since going to SM payments we have reduced our admin time again due to the fact that we are not having to chase after clients who have not paid their invoice.

— Steve Funk, CSE Process Serving

Save Time

Process servers' time is valuable and ServeManager Payments gives you more control. Servers who use ServeManager Payments only have to email an invoice! That means no printing, mailing, waiting, following-up, or driving to the bank. Utilizing fewer resources means more efficiency and cost-reduction, saving you time and money. You can focus and serve more papers - instead of filling your own paperwork. In fact, 48% of those surveyed said that they save 10 or more minutes per invoice!

[ServeManager Payments] enables me to do billing immediately and move on to the next task. It's worth the time it saves.

— Adam Squibb, Gentleman Carry

According to our poll, the average hourly cost of a process server's time is $100, so cutting down on billing time saves you nearly twice the amount you'd pay in processing fees. Saving time saves you money. Not only does ServeManager Payments make it easier for you to be paid, it further benefits your pocket by streamlining your process and marking the job as paid. See how your invoice time compares to our users:

SM Payment time saved per invoice

Low transaction costs and no merchant accounts

Credit card transaction fees can easily add up. ServeManager Payments has competitive rates and no additional monthly dues. This integration packs in time-saving and efficiency features, negating your processing fees. See our rates and how the fees break down:

  • 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction from Stripe
  • 1% from ServeManager

Look at how much time you are spending right now to get paid. If your client needs a particular service performed that might be outside the scope of a "normal" request then they should be willing to pay what the market will bear and the manner in which the payment is required.

— Shane O'Keefe, Dare Process Serving and Investigations

Stripe also acts as a secure vault for your clients' billing info. Become PCI compliant immediately and stop storing your customers' credit card info in jobs notes and physical files. If you're currently doing either of these you need to start using ServeManager Payments now to protect your and your client's business.

Transparency for Clients

Create transparency for your clients by combining status updates, job management, and payment with ServeManager. This combination proves to your clients that their papers are being handled professionally and that their payment information is secure. Our streamlined process allows you to manage all aspects of your business in one place, creating an easy workflow for you and your clients.

Not only make collecting payments easier for you - make it easier for your clients to pay you.

How it works

ServeManager Payments work by combining your jobs and invoices into an account that you can deposit directly into a bank account of your choosing through Stripe. Once you set up your Stripe account, head over to your settings in ServeManager and read our setup guide.

There are two ways to collect the payment information from your customers. For a small fee, we can create an order form that automatically populates a job into ServeManager, requesting the customer’s payment information from the beginning.

Otherwise, creating an invoice and sending it off the client is another option to collect payment. Once you've signed up for Stripe as a ServeManager user there is virtually no additional process on your side to get paid. You still generate Invoices and Statements as you normally do. When you send these via email to your client, they will now have an option to pay with a credit card. If they choose to do so the Invoice or Statement will be marked as paid in ServeManager, you'll receive an email notification via Stripe, and Stripe should deposit your funds within a few business days. No extra effort on your end and the process automatically completes several steps you normally would have done manually.

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